Work Samples
Training Sample
New Board Member Onboarding Training for Mid-South Immigration Advocates.
Need: streamlining new board members onboarding for a diverse target audience (age, education, cultural origin), providing a clear, short, and not intimidating training that introduces the organization at-a-glance but without reducing it to numbers, and provide a general overview of the Board and expectations for board members. This training is the first in a three-step onboarding process.
Built with: Articulate Rise. [Alternate link.]
Job Aid Samples
Support Job Aid
Need: support faculty advising students on language course placement.
Audience: faculty and staff advisors.
Format: infographic available in print and electronically, accompanied by video.
Process Job Aid
Need: illustrate the filing and documentation process for a team.
Audience: course development team.
Format: developed in MS SharePoint, with an accompanying printable file.
Task Job Aid
Need: provide rationale and guidance for content development for assignments.
Audience: faculty subject matter experts.
Format: infographic provided after orientation session (Virtual Live Training).
Courses Designed/Developed
I have worked on designing and redesigning/redeveloping courses in a number of disciplines:
Global Studies 101: Introduction to Globalization | Hybrid | Design & Development.
Elementary Spanish courses (100, 101, 102) | Hybrid | Design & Development.
Intermediate Spanish courses (201, 202) | Hybrid | Design & Development.
Spanish for Heritage Speakers (205, 210) | Online | Design & Development.
Spanish for EMTs | Hybrid | Design & Development.
Hispanic Cultures through Film (387) | Online | Design & Development.
Language Interpretation in Professional Contexts (386) | Hybrid, Service Learning | Design & Development.
Information Literacy (102) | Online | Redevelopment.
Introduction to Microeconomics (214) and Macroeconomics (215) | Hybrid | Redevelopment.
Management and Information Systems (153, 154) | Hybrid | Design & Development.
Big Data and Visualization (564) | Online | Redesign & Redevelopment.
Engineering Economics (330) | Online | Redesign & Redevelopment.
Career Paths in Tech (231) | Online | Design & Development.
Cybersecurity (504) | Online | Redevelopment.